Auroras, in collaboration with Nara Roesler gallery, presents Bruno Dunley’s solo exhibition, which brings together recent paintings and a selection of works on paper produced over the last decade.
In 2015, after an artistic immersion in the Serra da Capivara, in Piauí, Dunley began a systematic production of drawings that led him to reflect on the power of the act of drawing and painting as essential expressions of the human. Almost ten years later, the works in this exhibition are in direct dialogue with his drawings, both in their search for simplicity, agility, fruition and lightness, and in their spirit of graphic, chromatic and optical experimentation. This experimentation intensified even more after the artist started producing oil paint, medium and other materials by hand, with the creation of Joules & Joules in 2020.
A striking feature of Dunley’s production is the variation in the motifs of the paintings and the absence of stylistic repetition. This refusal to adopt fixed visual schemes shifts attention to the differences and relationships established between the works, making the editing/selection of a set almost as important as the autonomy and power of each painting. “My desire when organizing an exhibition is to create a coexistence between these differences, building a space in which collective perception generates its own meaning,” says the artist.